Why Sandbridge?


Let’s talk a little bit about what Sandbridge and what it has to offer the world, more specifically mankind. Because you fall into the category of mankind, this is where I think you will benefit the most from seeing and reading what Sandbridge beach holds within its dunes and two streets.


First of all, you heard me… TWO streets. Sandbridge is made up of two right turns and two left turns. When you enter the beach, you have 4 options. You can turn right onto Sandfiddler or Sandpiper. I happen to think those names are just darling but that’s my sappy, cheesy opinion. Your second option is left onto the same said streets. That’s it. Two rows of houses. It’s private, small, and straight shot from one side to the other. Honestly you could run or bike it in a few short hours. Something about the straight simplicity of it all makes me adore that even the most “unintelligent” of humans could navigate themselves down the streets of Sandbridge.


Water. Secondly, Sandbridge is surrounded by water. On the forefront of the beach, there is obviously the oceanfront. Sean and I dreamed of owning an oceanfront home one day, having family reunions, friends visit multiple times a year, and also celebrating holidays while looking out onto the Atlantic Ocean. On the underside of Sandbridge is the bay. The bay holds no less magic then the ocean does, we think. The scenic views are quite calm, and tranquil. There are homes just as comparable in size and cost to the ocean front homes that are located on the bay. Some folks just prefer the calm of the nonexistent waves and less of the tourist visitation. Different strokes for different folks. Fishers love the bay and frequent walkers and joggers like to run bayside to enjoy the scenery, wildlife, and privacy.


Sandbridge is surrounded by a WildLife National Preserve. The 10 minute drive into the beach is surrounded by forest and wetlands that can NEVER be built upon. There is not ONE hotel or resort located in Sandbridge beach and God-willing there never will be. This is only one of the few reasons why this particular beach is so darn amazing. There is a single digit number of condo buildings and that’s about the extent of “skyscraper” like buildings that block the views or attract the tourists. In a nutshell, Sandbridge is made up of character-filled beach homes and full-time residents. I was recently told that the number has dropped within the last few years but full time residents to tourists used to be 50/50 less than 10 years ago. That’s is so incredible. There are others out there like us that want he beach to be their backyard?? It’s nice to feel NOT alone. 

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Another magical thing about Sandbridge Beach is something a lot of locals curse yet I secretly hope never changes: there’s only one road in and one road out. Here’s a written map: there’s the beach and the ocean front with it’s two roads in both directions. Then there is Wildlife wetlands that can’t be built on. Then, there’s us; the local neighborhoods and developments that butt up to the park land. There’s one road, Sandbridge Road, that connects the neighborhoods to the beach homes. That’s it. There is only one way into the beach and one way out. Locals get frustrated because during the wet season, the road often floods and the beach residents can get stuck in Sandbridge. They also only have one small market up at the beach that I also find magical. I have memories around age 10 or 11 of biking to the market with cousins and getting large bars of candy and Sobe Drinks multiple times a week. Summing up, Sandbridge is truly a small town feel in a beach town with one road, one market and lots and lots of magic. 


I’ve been to only a few comparable beaches in my short almost 30 years of life. Folly Beach in Charleston shares a lot of similar magic to the character filled homes in Sandbridge. No house is alike and walking down the streets of either beach can be almost just as magical as long walks on the sandy shore. I guess I don’t have to pick do I? Maybe tomorrow I will go for a run on the beach and the next day enjoy the houses. Either way, I guess I have plenty of time to figure it out.


The Birth of S + A : Part 1


Why The Virginia Beach?